Friday, 19 December 2008

goodbye New Cross...

It's my last night in New Cross. Goodbye Goldsmiths, goodbye Loring, goodbye hobgob, goodbye Tasty Kebab.......

So today didn't naaaat go as planned, but ya know what-it was amazing. Like a really, really good day. I went to Portabello Road (Where the first scene of Notting Hill is shot) and it's one of my favorites. Then I went into Camden, which is another one of my favorites. I didn't go to any sights, but rather shopped at markets, sat in coffee shops and wrote; I enjoyed feeling at home. I even got mistaken for a local twice! I got asked directions and wasn't even the least bit of help, but I felt pretty badass none-the-less. I have to check out of Goldsmiths tomorrow morning and am then heading to where I'll be squatting for the next two nights along with some other students. I have two days left in London. Who knows what awaits me!!!!

Saturday, 13 December 2008

So little time!

Whew! Time has been flying! I can't believe it's been practically 10 days since I last posted. I really did need to buckle down! I don't think I have ever spent so much time doing work in a Starbucks then I did the last week of term. (Thank goodness for their new Christmas drinks. Yay gingerbread latte!!!) But it's done! I had my last class on Thursday (my instructor brought champagne) and turned my last paper in Friday morning. It felt so amazing. From here on out my time in London is pure relaxation...not that any of it has been very stressful =) I have been very lucky. Not so lucky is that half of my flat went home this morning....tear time. But I am very lucky that I have eight more days in England. The next four I'll be in Cheltenham (my fav!), then the last four I'll be in London...and then, I'm home at last. Tears of grief, tears of joy. They've reminded me how much I came to love this, but how much more I love where I'm returning to. Until then....

Love from across the pond

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Buckling Down

That's right. I actually have work.
Granted it's work that I love so it doesn't feel like work....simply and expansion of the experience. Most of these are assignments that I have had, literally since day one. But what made you think that being half way across the world would make me procrastinate any less? My assignments: A 10 minute short script (for script and screen); a 2000 word essay explaining "What a good night at the theatre is" (for London Theatre); a presentation answering "What I learned" (for Shakespeare's London); and a 14 minute final scene (for Acting).
For the presentation my flatmate and I made a storybook: "What Shakespeare can teach YOU about life." Not gonna lie, it's brilliant.
My script is significantly complete....not gonna lie, it's definitely NOT brilliant;
the essay I definitely have NOT even started...
and my scene- I literally have to be a crazy person. Done.

Oh and btw...I definitely fell in love with may just be my fav. I'll put up pictures soon, capeshe?