Thursday 30 October 2008

I saw snow!

Okay so for most people that might not be exciting, but from someone who's born and raised in Southern California, it is. I've never looked outside my very own window and seen snow falling from the sky, until now. London saw it's first snow in 70 YEARS, and it was right outside my window. I was giddy, like littl girl jumping up and down giddy. I won't over exaggerate, it wasn't a lot and it wasn't for long; but for a moment it was my snow. Other then that, this weeks been pretty lull. I barely left my bed on Monday and Tuesday, not because I felt bad or sick; I was just enjoying the time to breath- recovering from my birthday and Scotland, and getting ready for Italy! Really, there was no reason for me to get on this blog, except to tell everyone I'm alive and I miss you. And for anyone that has Italy tips or advice...send 'em my way baby!

1 comment:

Coach Lok said...

My only suggestion is to bring lots of batteries - because you'll want to take a million pictures.

The Vatican, Coliseum, Sistene Chapel, the art in Florence, and the canals and architecture in Venice - what a GREAT trip.

I don't have many tips - but Rick might!

Love You